Wednesday, March 07, 2007


1. This is the logo of an Airline company. Name the company

2. This famous scene was derived from a 1953 classic western named Shane. The dialogue that inspired this famous scene , was enacted by Ben Johnson and Alan Ladd. The person who made this scene famous is believed to have improvised this scene. Who is the person , and what is the scene?

3. Connect
Naachiyaar Thirumozhi composed by Aandal, Photon Factory, Studio Green

(Acknowledgement : - The Crux of the question is stolen from a trivia posted in Trivia Pettai. I hope the folks at Triviapettai , dont mind this!!! )

4. This album gets its name from the fact that it traces the major works of the artist from 1966 to a recording done at the Festival of The Desert in Mali. It was released in 2003 and is considered a compilation of the greatest hits. Which album and who is the Artist?

5. Identify this tall Black Building.(Pic 2)

1 comment:

Rachit said...

where r the answers to this quiz????